因為我懶,所以把wiki上 Mass Effect的背景介紹抄下來就算了,有興趣的朋友可以自己看,我不多說了 (喂) 感想什麼的我寫在後面
Mass Effect is set in the year 2183 AD. Thirty-five years prior, humankind discovered a cache of technology on Mars, supposedly built by a technologically advanced but long-extinct race called the Protheans. Studying and adapting this technology, humanity has managed to break free of the solar system and has established numerous colonies and encountered various extraterrestrial species within the Milky Way galaxy. Utilizing alien artifacts known as Mass Relays, the various space-faring races are able to travel instantly across vast stretches of the galaxy. Within the game, humanity has formed the Human Systems Alliance, one of many independent bodies that make up the collective of "Citadel space".
The Human Systems Alliance is a rising power in the galactic stage. The only war they have participated in was the "First Contact War" in 2157. A human exploration expedition was activating dormant mass relays (which was a practice considered unsafe by citadel races). The turians attacked the small fleet and proceeded to capture the closest human world, Shanxi. The turians proceeded to starve out the remaining humans and occupy the planet. Facing starvation the human garrison surrendered to the Turian Hierarchy. One month later, the human Second Fleet responded by annihilating the turian fleet around Shanxi. In response the turians prepared for full scale war. The citadel council saw that humanity would either be annihilated or annexed by the turians and stepped in. The humans were then given an embassy in the Citadel Council.
Citadel space, as a whole, is ruled by a body of government known as the Council, which is made up of members of the three prominent alien races: the asari, a race of mono-gendered aliens which closely resemble blue-skinned human females; the short-lived salarians; and the raptor-like turians. Other alien species seen in the game include the reptilian krogan, the four-eyed, humanoid batarians, the aquatic hanar, and the methodical and quadrupedal elcor, and the environmental-suited quarians and volus. Dozens of other aliens are asserted to exist throughout the galaxy, but are not seen or mentioned in the game.
The game takes place primarily in two locations: the prototype frigate SSV Normandy, and the Citadel, a gigantic, ancient space station purportedly built by the Protheans and which currently acts as the center of galactic civilization. Throughout the game, however, the player may navigate the Normandy to various planets, moons and other destinations.
和Dragon Age一樣,Mass Effect的世界設定是非常完整而且有趣的。那些外星種族、宇宙史和Mass Effect這東西都好像是真的的一樣,叫人著迷。跟 Dragon Age 不同的是,在Mass Effect中玩家扮演的是一個pre-set了的角色,一個叫 “Shepard” 的人類軍人。“Shepard” 的性別、個性、出身和技能都可以由玩家自行決定,不過就是改不了他是 Commander Shepard 這個設定。(等於玩 天之痕 時可以替主角改名但又改不了他的身份一樣。) Shepard 的名字也可以改的,不過遊戲中的所有NPC都只會叫主角的姓氏 “Shepard”,或就是叫他 “Commander”,沒有人會叫他的名字的!(越強大的人就越寂寞嗎?)
預設的Shepard是個男的,名叫 John (遠望
而Shepard的行為和個性的發展是跟玩家平日的選擇和Shepard的出身有關的。遊戲中有個類似道德值的系數,分別叫 “Paragon” 和 “Renegade”。 Paragon的Shepard 說話和行為都會比較 noble,會以最有道德的方法去處理事件。Renegade的Shepard 說話和行為會比較冷血和自我,會不惜任何代價地去完成任務 (包括殺死無辜的人或犧牲隊員)。有趣的是 “Paragon” 和 “Renegade” 是不會互相影響的,它們是獨立的兩個系數。就是說,角色在“Paragon” 的同時也可以 “Renegade”。這比較接近現實,因為現實中所謂的正邪也不是分得那麼清楚,這是其中一個我覺得有趣的地方。
Shepard 平日是不會說話的,他要開口的時候就是你要選擇的時候。這和Dragon Age一樣。不過,我覺得很有趣的是,在Mass Effect中,玩家不是在選擇「我想說什麼」,而是去選擇「我在想什麼」或是「我想做什麼」這些心理情緒。然後遊戲會根據你選擇的「心情」和「想法」來補充完整的劇情對話。這時候Shepard 就會說話了。
現在我玩的Shepard是走Renegade路線的,因為我自己也不是一個Paragon的人啊 XDD 而且我覺得Renegade的Shepard是比較帥的。非常冷酷、直接、嘴賤 (喂) 還會經常拿槍指著別人的頭 XDDD Shepard 是第一個人類的Spectre。 “Spectres don’t take orders from anyone except the Citadel Council.” 可是Renegade 的Shepard甚至不會聽從Citadel Council的命令,實在是太叛逆,太帥了 XDDD (喂
在Citadel中遇上了一個Shepard的FAN (Shepard有FANS的啊!!!),那個FAN說想學Shepard一樣,成為Spectre,希望Shepard可以幫忙介紹一下。我那個 Renegade的Shepard立刻用槍指著FAN的頭,FAN嚇得花容失色(?),Shepard冷冷地說:「你對我的事一無所知。我差不多每天都被敵人用槍指著我的頭,你可以習慣這種情況嗎?」FAN驚慌地說了句 “I think you are a hero! Heroes don’t do things like that!” 就淚奔了。Shepard冷冷地收槍,真的很帥啊!! XDD
之後在一次任務中,我用了極血腥的方法 (也是最簡單快捷的方法),殺光了整個研究室的人完成了任務。任務之後向Citadel Council匯報,Turian 的 Counsellor 對Commander Shepard的做法不太認同,說了句 “You really enjoy it (killing), don’t you?” 而Shepard的回應是 “It depends on what kind of species……Turian.” 哈哈!!! 出色的配音加上多元化的面部表情,令Shepard看起來超寸的!! XDDD Turian 的 Counsellor 立刻大怒,跟Shepard說什麼 你是Spectre,是Council選出來的,是代表人類的,要多尊重Council等等什麼的話。Shepard一句 “Opps” 就CUT了他線。Shepard好有趣,好叛逆啊!!! XDDD
雖說Shepard的行為好像很冷血無情,不過在要救同伴時,Shepard是會把受傷的同伴扛在肩膀上,帶他跑離戰場。而跟隊員Liara說話時,Liara的一段對話也令我很深刻的。Liara的母親剛剛去世,Shepard本打算去問Liara的情況,結果反被Liara關心,Liara是說「我比較擔心你的情況……因為你一個人背負著整個銀河系的未來。你一定要好好保重。」沒錯,我們的主角Shepard就是一個要負著整個銀河系的未來的人,而他只是一個普通的人類,差不多每天都被敵人用槍指著他的頭,但不管怎樣都會好好完全任務的軍人。真的是非常超級的帥 T-T
這是我的Shepard,名叫 Nicolette,是個冰山美人 XD (喂
啊!? 破了..
破完ME1時 在跑製作credit時
整個意猶未盡 呆在那 回想剛的動畫